Color Crates 1 - Add-on
Color Crates 1 - Add-on
Color Crates 1 - Add-on
Color Crates 1 - Add-on
Color Crates 1 - Add-on

Color Crates 1 - Add-on

$14.00 USD $16.50 USD

No one knows what they are, or where they came from. Only one thing is certain: crates are harbingers of doom. Old soldiers become old soldiers because they heeded the whispers of the veterans who came before them: “if you suddenly notice that you’re standing in an area with a bunch of crates scattered around, safeties off: it’s about to go down.” These deadly beauties are perfect for adding a bit of dynamic danger to your battlefield. The exploding red crate, sure. Any successful hit deals damage to all nearby models. But maybe the big yellow one emits constant damage to all living models in a certain radius? Busting open the big purple crate certainly unleashes a horrifying xenomorph. That rune-covered dark one? Mind-whispers make the nearest model turn their weapon against the closest target. Have fun coming up with ways to use these to torment and destroy. Or, simply use them as high-visibility objective markers.

• 4 Small Crates • 4 Medium Crates • 4 Large Crates

About TinkerTurf®
Created by lifelong wargamers, and veterans of the printed products and AAA videogame industries, TinkerTurf is designed to be sturdy, attractive, and affordable wargaming terrain. Each piece is precision-engineered and die-cut out of 2mm sturdy black-core board printed with gorgeous full-color themed textures. Assembly is quick and easy with normal white glue, and modular design allows for easy storage and virtually limitless setups. The result is great-looking terrain features of noticeable weight and heft that can stand up to hard campaigning for years to come. Terrain worth fighting for.

(Note: we recommend white PVA glue for assembly, along with small hobby clamps, as shown here -